Our Projects

Our club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide. Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in a number of social activities to share experiences, talents, and our collective interests. All represent great opportunities for service, friendships, and personal growth.
Millions of teachers across the country pay out of their pockets for books, pens, pencils, and other basic supplies for classroom necessities during the year. The Exchange Club of Gilroy supplies a case of paper for each classroom as well as much-needed school supplies to two local elementary schools which is always received with much enthusiasm.
Many families are struggling, and the holidays, including Christmas, make those struggles more apparent. The Exchange Club of Gilroy provides toys and other gifts for struggling families with children. The families also receive grocery items that are needed to make Christmas more enjoyable. The Exchange Club of Gilroy recognizes our senior citizens for their wisdom, their leadership, and their contributions. It is important to spend quality time with our seniors, not as a matter of obligation, but as a matter of health and connection. The Exchange Club of Gilroy hosts enjoyable events such as barbecues, dinners, and ice cream socials for the senior citizens in our community. Each year Teddy Bears are donated to Gilroy Police and Fire Departments to give to children in crisis. These small stuffed animals provide much-needed comfort toys for kids who need to know that someone cares. Back-to-School Clothes for Kids provides new school clothing to children. The new clothing these kids receive helps them feel confident for the first day of school, but the benefits go further. Getting new clothes for school sends a message to a child that school is important and that he or she is important. It is with pleasure that The Exchange Club of Gilroy co-sponsors this event to take children shopping for new clothes and backpacks. The Exchange Club of Gilroy goes shopping and provides clothing to help support the Compassion Center, which provides access to the services homeless people need to survive, become stable, and achieve self-sufficient lives. The Exchange Club of Gilroy proudly leads the annual Memorial Day Parade, handing out thousands of flags as we walk the parade route to instill pride in our country. The Blue & Gold Luncheon is Exchange Club’s highest tribute to law enforcement officers and firefighters. The purpose of this event is to recognize those public service officers and first responders who have gone beyond the call of duty.
Volunteer efforts are very important to our society and should not go unnoticed. The National Exchange Club’s longest-running project, the Book of Golden Deeds Award, recognizes dedicated volunteers who give endless hours of their time and talents toward making their communities better places to live. Honoring a fellow citizen with the Book of Golden Deeds Award is a heartwarming and inspiring act not only for the honoree but for our Exchange Club. Our 2015 recipient is Denise Brown. On Veterans Day service members are remembered and honored for their sacrifices and the courage it takes to defend our country. The Exchange Club of Gilroy hands out flags during our hometown ceremony which honors our heroes and remembers their achievements, their courage, and their dedication and thanks them for their sacrifices.
National Night Out
A Time to Show Support and Interact with Local Police. The Exchange Club of Gilroy Has an Area Set Up With Information on the Prevention of Child Abuse. Child Games and Exhibits are Provided.